24th February 2024

Our new book The Final Pandemic – An Antidote to Medical Tyranny has been over 18 months in the making and we are pleased to announce that it is now available in e-book, paperback and hardcover versions. The idea for this book arose from Professor Timothy Noakes, MD, the renowned nutrition and sports scientist who was a welcome signatory to the ‘Settling the Virus Debate’ Statement in 2022. After reading Virus Mania in 2021, Tim became a virus sceptic and suggested the need for a high-impact punchy book with the aim of reaching an even wider audience.

The book is now reality at around 55,000 words, or around 240 pages in the hardcopy versions, with well over 400 references. If you have struggled to get friends and family members to look at this paradigm-changing material then this may be your best chance yet. And for our seasoned audience there is plenty of thought-provoking and never seen before content regarding virology, germ theory and allopathic medical mayhem.

Following thousands of hours of research and development, The Final Pandemic – An Antidote to Medical Tyranny is structured as follows:

  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword by Prof. Tim Noakes
  • Prologue
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 – Creating a Pandemic
    Allopathic Medicine Invents Diseases
    COVID-19: The Bait-and-Switch
    Meaningless Cases
    Enter “Patient Zero”
    Clustering and “Asymptomatic Transmission”
    ‘Typhoid Mary’ – The Original “Superspreader” Story
    Death of “Whistleblower” Doctors
    Prepare the Public with Hollywood Blockbusters
  • Chapter 2 – Scapegoats for Disease
    Invent a Disease and Blame it on Animals
    Blame SARS on Bats with no Evidence
    Slaughter Millions of Animals to Drive the Fear
    Blame the Pox on Gay Men (and Animals Again)
    Suggest the Disease came from a Lab (and Animals Again)
    The Washington Post Connects no Dots
    Fear-inducing “Viruses” Like Ebola…that Never Arrive
  • Chapter 3 – The History of Misplaced Beliefs
    What Human-to-Human Transmission?
    But Can’t You Catch a Cold?
    Blaming Nutritional Deficiencies on Germs
    Blaming More Dietary Problems on Germs
    Blaming the Effects of Environmental Toxins on Germs
    “Treatments” that Cause the Disease?
    Don’t Worry if the Germ Even Exists
    Death-dealing Drugs Marketed as “Life-saving”
  • Chapter 4 – Pandemics of Testing
    PCR Already Known to Cause False Pandemics
    The PCR Exposed Whooping Cough’s Faulty Science
    What is the Polymerase Chain Reaction?
    Why was SARS-2 (COVID-19) Bigger than SARS-1?
    How to Create “Virus Genomes”
  • Chapter 5 – Press Release Science
    Programming the Public
    Celebrity Cases
    Rigging the Playing Field
    “Stuffing Their Mouths with Gold”
    Persecution of Those Questioning the Narrative
    Case Study: The Suppression of The Perth Group
  • Chapter 6 – All Pandemics Lead to Vaccines
    What are Vaccines Doing?
    The Bill Gates Factor
    Big Pharma Invents Demand
    Case Study: ‘HPH’ & Her Licence to Lie
    The Cause of the Rise in Vaccine “Misinformation”
  • Summary
  • Epilogue
  • About the Authors

We hope you will enjoy the book as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to you. The Final Pandemic is available from both Lulu and Amazon and you can click here to secure your copy now.

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  1. Ordered tonight! Can’t wait! Thank you Dr Sam and Dr Mark for all your hard work. Hugs from Los Angeles! Jennifer xo

  2. Thanks so much Sam and Mark…and Tim! A few years ago I tried without success to get my neighbours to come and watch the video series on The Viral Delusion. I hope this book will help. Sometimes folk need to be alone to digest and prepare for a paradigm shift. So I look forward to lending it out, once read myself. I have the first copy of Virus Mania, bought before Sam came on board with it. I wonder what the difference is. These are exciting times. I do feel very positive about humanity’s shift (back) to a more common sense approach and a big learning curve coming the way of TPTB.

  3. I have just tried to order the kindle version in the UK. However it says the book is not available for purchase ??

  4. Its the hard copy for me Drs Sam and Mark. E books are so vulnerable these days. May the gifts of happiness and all causes of happiness be yours Your work will save many. You are both precious trailblazers.

  5. Well done Sam and Mark. You two are relentless.
    We can’t stop now.

  6. Why is there such a divide? I knew in my heart this was bull crap! And my wife was lining up for a third booster why?

  7. Trying to order the paperback from Amazon Australia but it says only kindle version available. I’ve read the sample on my kindle but I’d love to have a hard copy to read the rest!

  8. 1st March – alas Amazon UK flag your new book (paperback version) as: “currently unavailable”. Thoughts?

  9. Very much looking forward to being able to purchase your new book. Unfortunately I wasn’t impressed by Virus Mania, I thought it was a mishmash of viruses are “real”, viruses don’t exist, and lost references. Probably a result of too many editions / authors, but mainly a case of lost in translation.

  10. Thank you for trying to change the world for the better – one book or 1 video at a time!!
    Free Canada salutes you!
    A grumpy old Canuck ballroom dancer 😉

  11. What a fantastic explanation of the created crises that are used as manipulation too. I can’t afford the book but I understand how you are exposing the manufacturing of the pseudo-event.
    Thank you Dr Sam Bailey

  12. @suzmor48 @John Lagan
    I too could not order a Kindle version from my laptop (because “currently unavailable”).
    But when I tried it from my smartphone, with VPN set to the UK and using the Brave browser, I was able to buy the Kindle version no problem.
    Hope that helps even if it does not explain why.

  13. Still not available on Amazon UK ?? ===> Please advise what the problem is, thanks.
    Amazon says: “Currently unavailable. We don’t know when or if this item will be back in stock.”

  14. @Moinika
    Thanks for your reply, however I want to purchase the paperback rather than the kindle version.

  15. Got your book back in May last year via Lulu. Great read, top notch, very well done guys. Purchased another copy for my brother in November. Got an Xmas card from him saying his two grandchildren had norovirus for a few days but are fine now. So many people are like my brother, you can’t get through to them, they just don’t believe anything unless it comes from “authorities”.

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