22nd September 2024

“In writing about ‘pandemics’ we are well aware that they need to be considered within a wider global context. In 2021, Mark and co-author Dr John Bevan-Smith wrote in The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity, ‘this assault on humanity relies on a Trojan horse to deliver the fraud into our minds and bodies, making possible the fulfillment of the globalist agenda of a population control grid with the apparent ultimate aim of controlling populations in every way possible.'”

– Drs Mark & Samantha Bailey, The Final Pandemic

Paul Cudenec is a journalist, essayist and novelist who founded the Winter Oak website. With a long-term background in the English anarchist movement, he has become known since 2020 as a critic of the Great Reset agenda. While we have been busy exposing the foundational scientific fraud behind the COVID-19 event, Paul has been prolific in writing about how the fraud is being used to accelerate the despicable plans of a global criminocracy. We were privileged to become much more familiar with his work in the COVID-era through W.D. James, another Winter Oak contributor and author of “The Mortal God Drops Its Mask“.

This is a special video presentation of one of Paul’s essays “The corruption is real and sickening“, first published in September 2024. It is punchy and powerful but might be hard to swallow for those who believe they are being helped by Big Pharma, as well as global financiers, such as the Rothschilds and their friends. As Paul warns, this information may be too much for people whose, “scientifically-sealed minds cannot even grasp the possibility that others might have taken the initiative to have a peek backstage and work out what ‘The Spectacle’ is all about.”


  1. Winter Oak website
  2. Paul Cudenac’s Substack
  3. The Fire Sermon, Darren Allen, 2024
  4. The two-way mirror of oppression”, Paul Cudenac, The Acorn – no. 95, 9 Aug 2024
  5. The corruption is real and sickening”, Paul Cudenac, The Acorn – no. 96, 3 Sep 2024 (with all essay references)
  6. Happiness – Steve Cutts (Rat Race)
  7. Edmund de Rothschild and the International Conservation Bank” George Hunt, 1 May 1992
  8. WW Congress Publications: https://wild.org/wild-congress-old/publications/
  9. George Hunt – The New World Bank, Religion and Rulers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ16zRLYEoA
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  1. Great short video exposing some of the many powerful tentacles of the evil money power of the parasitic international banksters. The head of the money power snake is probably the satanic Rothschilds!!!!

  2. Dear Dr Sam , this is very helpful for me to understand the connections of it all ,haven’t had access to the internet until recently.

    I am deeply grateful for all your and Dr Mark’s work.
    You both are a solace in these last crazy 5 years or so.
    While I’m here I want to thank you both for your Q&As as well, they fantastic!
    Much love from a tiny village in the top of the south ❤

  3. @lindaallan61 – all that we can practically do is to, each day, try and educate/wake up those within our own ‘orbit’ and to refuse to comply with anything that moves in support of this nefarious agenda. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead)

  4. Great video. Sums everything up… I was going to add ‘nicely’ but then re-thought that one…. ! You have presented it so well leaving little out. A concise hard-hitting video that should awaken many out of their society-engineered trances.
    I am from the UK, and during the summer back in 90s, we used to meet up with my in-laws and visit various places, on in particular was Waddesdon Manor in Buckingham. One time home of the Rothschilds but still a small part of their portfolio, I believe. The manor-house was breath-taking but I also found the display of wealth inside the house obscene, There were pieces of furniture in there that were worth more than my home! Now I am realizing that this family are not satisfied with being just ridiculously wealthy, but it is as if they want to flaunt it to the point of intimidation and are in desperate need of bringing their fellow humans into slavery. On a paradoxical but positive note, their very greed and narcissism serves well to awaken the rest of humanity.

  5. Wow… getting stuck right into the core of the matter! Strength, courage and determination to you guys!

  6. Dear Dr Sam Bailey, thank you for an excellent appraisal of the serious threat to our way of life.
    Keir Starmer, the UK’s Prime Minister, whose nicknames include “Free Gear Keir”, when asked by Emily Maitlis to choose between Westminster and Davos he didn’t hesitate in responding with Davos. He and King Charles III are in with the World Economic Forum (WEF). Indeed a large number of current UK MPs have been linked to the WEF.
    The lies and corruption through just the past few years – the Covid-19 era – are laid bare in my current reading of “Fighting Goliath: Exposing the flawed science and statistics behind the COVID-19 event” by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil.
    We are the Davids in this fight with Goliath; they must know they are grossly outnumbered by our superior brains and great determination.

  7. Excellent presentation and introduction to the anti-human Global Oligarch conspiracy. PLEASE consider investigating into the pseudoscience myth of Overpopulation which is a major (longtime) movement of the Global Oligarchs. As the demonic Bill & Melinda Gates (regardless of their pseudo divorce) has stated in many different states and forums… they want only 1.5 billion people on earth.

  8. If you own funds (ETF’s Mutual funds etc) then beware that the voting at company board meetings is in the control of Vanguard and Blackrock etc. So they can vote for woke policies that you would not have considered. For example they can vandalise the culture of a family-friendly Disney (even though Disney’s employees may be family friendly). Since they own all company voting in this way then they can vandalise an entire culture. If you want to own the same stocks as your fund and regain control over the voting rights then just select, say the top 5 stocks and vote your own shares. On these broker web sites just click on “composition” to see the top ten stocks in any ETF. This used to be costly but, in the US at least, you can buy and sell stocks commissions free. Last time I check a UK broker you still have to pay commissions (AJ Bell for example).

    Yes all roads lead to The City of London. (Remember Fleet Street – the seat of global media is also in the City). The British Empire is still going folks. They get the USA military to fight their wars. Iraq anyone? Blair was not the “lapdog”.
    City are leading the provocations against Russia because they want war. They are broke with huge debt in Ukrainian bonds etc – war solves this. A deadbeat walks into a bar to declare “drinks all round – put it on my tab” then when it’s time pay he starts a brawl and slithers out the back door.

    Also understand that we DO NOT have free markets. Especially in commodities. Oil has been manipulated down so much that it’s essentially uninvestable in the futures market. This hurts the oil producers like Russia (at least City hope so). These evil bastards are probably buying oil/energy right now, then when their WWIII breaks out, oil will also break out. The profits offset their debts. But they don’t always have control – gold has apparently sniffed out the threat of war.

    The only good news is that the US military are telling US war mongers like Blinken “no way”.

    Frances Leader has a slightly different take – she was on Jerm Warfare a few months ago. Also check out Alex Krainer and Tom Luongo. I found them when I was trying to understand commodities, precious metals and why we are always at war. I also recommend ditching the TV.

    Keep up the good work. From a loyal Lt. Colonel of the Bailey Battalion.

  9. A fascinating video. I’ve been a conspiracy analyst for a long time, but I didn’t realize the J.P. Morgan Rothschild connection.
    Thank you, Dr. Bailey.

  10. When “she” became our PM in her first term, and virtually immediately broke her electioneering lie to not sign the TPPA, I did start looking into her background, and who should I find were her mentors? War criminal blair, WHO head-wannabe clark and goofy goff. An interesting thing about this trio is, they are all members of the Fabian Society.
    I haven’t looked too deeply to see how she grew her $800,000 when she came into politics to in excess of $26,000,000 and I still don’t know how she came by the initial $800,000 seed money as, if the reports are correct, she had never held a job of financial substance since leaving university.
    The musings going on in my head that started in the Lange government days. It’s al starting to make sense now.
    Watch Rosa Koire, better yet, read her book, “Behind The Green Mask”., there you will find THE answer to as many questions as you may have about the dystopian world which is forming around us.

  11. Wow! Thanks for bringing Paul to my attention. My question is: how does one ever meet people who think like this? I’m living in a parallel universe to the people around me. Are we all isolated individuals whose only way to connect with other critical thinkers is through the internet?

  12. There is a solution to stop and prevent the world from falling into their trap and that is by you waking up to all this AND… to stop believing into their money system to make their ECONOMY going. This is not what we need when we have a planet that can grow all kind of food everywhere plus all kind of animals being born, and all for FREE. Yup! Everything is there for us for free but we accepted and believe that we need this money for living but! do we live? Do we live with it or do we survive because of it? Are we free? Are we free to live as we’re meant to or are we enslaved to a system that makes most of us survive instead of living? If there was no money value onto Mother Nature and labor, she wouldn’t die right before our eyes and we would be working for ourselves instead of others first and then US. There’s a big reason why all humans are born with different gifts and that’s for us to live in community and share those gifts with the world so we all have what we need for living, not surviving. All of us with our gifts has been highjacked by their money system like religions highjacked Spirituality. Do not believe in their so-call God (Dog) instead believe in the SOURCE, The GREAT CREATOR or… like for me FATHER SKY and MOTHER EARTH.

  13. This post helps concerned people to be aware of the terrain. Readers can also refer to Khadar Valli’s videos (on the five positive millets and health protocols) and Capt Ajit Vadakayil’s blog on WordPress. Captain has written extensively on the Rothschilds.

  14. I don’t like to call them ‘parasites’ any more, even parasites have a beneficial role. We need to invent a new word for ‘them’. What a world.

  15. Thank you, Sam.
    Yeah, just about all of the authorities around the world take part in this corruption as it was obvious during scamdemic 19.

  16. Good onya Sam. Keep hitting them where it hurts.
    Posted this on Off Guardian. Another brilliant site.

  17. Disgraced war criminal Tony Blair received the Save The Children’s “Global Legacy Award” in 2014 – what a cruel and sick joke (although, to their credit, many of the staff from the “NGO” – I put those quotes quite purposefully – did sign onto an open letter denouncing this travesty, possibly as a last ditch attempt to salvage the credibility of their employer…).
    And – I kid you not – Nigel Farage (who probably deserves the “fakest politician of the UK” award) promoted this same war criminal with a deep admiration for the political theory expounded in Machiaveli’s The Prince for the post of Covid vaccination tsar during the convid-1984 scamdemic, saying with regards to the disgraced former PM that “he commands respect” and is “seriously bright” [!!!!]. I’m sorry, but anyone who still believes in the fake left/right paradigm at this (very) late stage, fully deserves anything coming their way in political terms… Why do so many people put so much time and effort into a hopeless, pathetic charade and travesty, expecting salvation from “their” politician, instead of focusing on the True and Beautiful, improving themselves into healthier, better persons?

  18. Tony Blair a man who should never have been PM, a convicted sex offender, and war criminal. Look to the English Constitution and when finally they come to trial for treason, the harshest penalty will be enforced if found guilty. A stern warning to those who wish to dabble with our god given freedoms.

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