Gain of Function Gaslighting

30th June 2021 I delve into “Gain of Function” research and ask are we being gaslighted? References:1. Virus Mania – 3rd English edition2. Definition of

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Gain Of Function Garbage

18th January 2022 The internet is once again giddy with “Gain of Function” fever following the recent publication of DARPA related documents by Project Veritas. Is

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“HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”

More people than ever are becoming aware of the COVID-19 Fraud, not just with regard to the purported tests, “responses” and vaccines but with the foundational claim that a pathogenic virus ‘SARS-CoV-2’ exists. However, the notion that there are “bio-weapons” and “gain of function” activities taking place keeps many people believing that the virus model may have some validity.

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Terrain Theory: Recontextualising the Germ

Why is it considered “settled science” among epidemiologists, virologists and the general public that certain diseases like Influenza and COVID-19 are transmitted through human contact, when in fact it has never been proven that diseases spread this way?

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The Shame of Syphilis

28th January 2024 As we documented in Virus Mania, the medico-pharmaceutical industry specialises in inventing epidemics that enrich and benefit a small number of beneficiaries

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The Deodorant Detox

14th October 2023 Almost everyone has been convinced that they need to use deodorant on a regular basis. However, few realise it is a longstanding

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