9th February 2025

Dr. Leigh Willoughby was a seasoned anaesthetist and functional medicine doctor at the onset of the COVID era in 2020. Initially, she trusted the virologists and her “infectious” diseases colleagues concerning the alleged deadly pandemic. She readied herself for an avalanche of sick patients…that never arrived.

Leigh was warned by a workmate that the COVID vaccines were dangerous and plagued with serious adverse effects. However, due to several unrelated professional distractions, she later conceded that she failed to perform her “due diligence”. Her subsequent acceptance of the shots led to a life-threatening complication and being removed from the medical register.

In this interview, Leigh is refreshingly candid as she reveals how she was initially duped by the fear campaigns and how she later woke up. She discusses being let down by her own colleagues following her vaccine injury and how the Medical Council of New Zealand threatened prosecution after she spoke out. Thankfully, like an increasing number of us, she has found a better way forward outside of the medical system.


Follow Dr. Leigh on:

Dr Leigh talks to Peter Williams – RCR Interview

CARM (NZ adverse event reporting website)

MCNZ Guidance statement COVID-19 vaccine and your professional responsibility (April 2021)

Exposing the Plan to EXTORT Dr Sam – Dr Sam Bailey

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  1. Thanks Dr Sam for that inspiring interview with a very brave lady. I was really moved by her story, her humility., her courage and her simplicity. Both of you deserved a lot of respect and admiration

  2. I feel that attempting to ameliorate the modern day health problems that seem to be plagueing kids currently such as ADHD, autism, obesity etc; via nutritional approaches could really open the door/be a wake up call for a larger proportion of society. There’s nothing more inspirational than seeing sick kids or those with emotional/behavioural difficulties who then get turned around. So well done this lady.

  3. Thanks for this very honest interview. Dr. Leigh is very brave and resilient in facing the establishment. I wish her the best in all that she strives to accomplish.

  4. Good on this lady for speaking out, however…I cynically ask if she would have spoken out if she did not have a jab injury?
    Would she have just cozied into the corrupt disease management system and pretented that all the jab deaths and injuries were a figment of the victims imagination (as was accused of her)?
    Personally, I struggle with any trust in Doctors, except for those very few like Dr Sam and others in NZDSOS who took a stand at the outset.
    I am also very bored with the narrative that Dr’s were ‘afraid’ to speak out becuase they were fearful of career consequenses, when thousands of other kiwis suffereed financial hardship because they had the moral fortitude to say ‘No’.
    To me, Dr’s had the ethical duty to ‘first do no harm’. Instead they took the Judas silver and stayed mute. They are all Mengela’s that need to held accountable.
    If RFK Jr gets in as HHS boss in the US perhaps we will see some redress filter down to NZ in this regard. Wishful thinking I know.

  5. Great interview! Always helpful to hear stories from medical professionals that have become a part of the emergent new medical paradigm!

  6. Love your content Sam, I would love to be able to share this with my Aunty, she had in-laws that were very much involved with the church and Christianity he was a pastor, unfortunately there were some not so nice circumstances in the families history because of this…So if she hears God mentioned she shuts down..I’m putting the question out there are you Christian ? Or perhaps born again, I realise these are personal questions and obviously theres no obligation to answer but I have an inquiring mind…much love..

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