13th January 2021
The Truth About PCR Tests.
This video had over 400k views on YouTube until it was removed for breaking it’s “community guidelines.” 👇
- History of PCR: https://siarchives.si.edu/collections/siris_arc_217745 and https://www.thesciencenotes.com/history-of-pcr/
- PCR overview – Wikipedia
- PCR animation video – DNA Learning Center
- The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge – Barbara McClintock 1983
- Ronaldo on PCR tests
- The MIQE guidelines
- NZ Taxpayers’ Union – $222,000 in taxpayer funds to left-wing opinion pieces
- Siouxsie Wiles thinks Covid PCR tests are great
- PCR test kit – not for diagnostic use
- Corman-Drosten SARS-CoV-2 PCR paper
- PCR specificity – control sample lab test, not clinical specificity
- RT – Legal ruling finds Covid test not fit for purpose
- Principia Scientifica – WHO finally admits PCR test has a ‘problem’
- Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet – Genes Dreams and Realities, 1971