18th August 2021
Why did Chickenpox parties go out of fashion?
What causes Chickenpox, is there a virus and what’s the deal with the Varicella vaccine?
1. Forbes – Why Chickenpox Parties Are A Bad Idea
2. Lewiston Sun Journal – April 4, 2001: Chickenpox parties a thing of the past – Dr Paul Donohue
3. Forbes – Chickenpox Outbreak In NC School: Why You Should Get The Chickenpox Vaccine
4. CDC – Chickenpox (Varicella)
6. Varicella Zoster Virus Infection: Clinical Features, Molecular Pathogenesis of Disease, and Latency
7. Age-specific incidence of chickenpox
8. A History of Experimental Virology – Alfred Grafe, Springer-Verlag, 1991
9. Experimentelle Ubertragungen von Herpes zoster auf Menschen und die Beziehungen von Herpes zoster zu Variellen (Experimental transmissions of herpes zoster to humans and the relationship of herpes zoster to varicella) – Karl Kundratitz, 18 Jan 1925
10. Factors influencing quantitative isolation of varicella-zoster virus
11. CDC – Laboratory Confirmation of Suspected Varicella
12. The Contagion Myth – Tom Cowan and Sally Morell
13. Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched control
14. Update on trends in varicella mortality during the varicella vaccine era—United States, 1990–2016
15. Herpes Zoster Following Varicella Vaccination in Children
16. Childhood Shingles Resulting from Chickenpox Vaccination: “Rare” or Predictable?
Hi Dr. Sam,
Thank you for your video! What would you recommend for a pregnant mother who has been exposed to chickenpox in the household?
I appreciate your advice.