Dr. Mark Bailey
Mark Bailey, MB ChB PGDipMSM MHealSc is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades.
This essay was written to address the fallacy that technological advances in the 21st century have provided evidence for the virus model. In essence, the technology-driven approach cannot change the fact that the concept of ‘virus’ remains as it was in the 1800s: a mental construct that attempts to explain why organisms become diseased.
The paper also examines the misinterpretations concerning bacteriophages and giant “viruses” and how these entities have been inappropriately placed in the virological realm. As former virologist Dr Stefan Lanka has explained, these entities can be found in nature, isolated and characterised, but they are not pathogenic. The linguistic legerdemain employed by the virologists cannot change biological reality.
I view this latest publication as a companion to Virology’s Event Horizon with both papers outlining the pivotal flaws in the methodologies employed by the virologists. We have dozens of videos, articles, interviews and books covering this topic at drsambailey.com with the most extensive refutation of the virus model being A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), a freely-downloadable treatise that was also made into a three part video series by Steve Falconer.
Mark Bailey, MB ChB PGDipMSM MHealSc is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades.
Mark Bailey, MB ChB PGDipMSM MHealSc is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades.
20th July 2024
This is the video version of Dr Mark Bailey’s essay Virus, Bacteriophage & Single “Virus” Genomics. It was written to address the fallacy that technological advances in the 21st century have provided evidence for the virus model. In essence, the technology-driven approach cannot change the fact that the concept of ‘virus’ remains as it was in the 1800s: a mental construct that attempts to explain why organisms become diseased.
The paper also examines the misinterpretations concerning bacteriophages and giant “viruses” and how these entities have been inappropriately placed in the virological realm. As former virologist Dr Stefan Lanka has explained, these entities can be found in nature, isolated and characterised, but they are not pathogenic. The linguistic legerdemain employed by the virologists cannot change biological reality.
Mark views this latest publication as a companion to Virology’s Event Horizon with both papers outlining the pivotal flaws in the methodologies employed by the virologists. We have dozens of videos, articles, interviews and books covering this topic at drsambailey.com with the most extensive refutation of the virus model being A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), a freely-downloadable treatise that was also made into a three part video series by Steve Falconer.
Sam is a content creator, medical author & health educator.
Fantastic work as always Mark and Sam. Every time I have the pleasure of watching one of your video clips or reading your many scientific works – this quote invariably comes to mind – “In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act”.
Just one additional observation at 13:40 – How do “supposed” scientists who spearhead technological innovation, then turn full circle and blame technological advancements for an apparent disconnect in one of the most foundational “postulates” defining their field of scientific endeavor? Such linguistic hocus-pocus not only boggles my mind, it proves the fact that ‘Virology’ and its many allied or adjunct microbiological professions are nothing short of glorified quackery, rather than purported ‘science’……We’ll assume the circular looking vesicle in that Electron Micrograph is a “Virus”, and then invent an entire profession around speculation on how said ‘vesicle’ spreads and replicates. In Engineering we call this processes “cooking the data to suit the pet theory”.
Exactly! So, you have social scientists such as politicians, offering up formal science via theoretical computer modelling and mathematics based on unfounded axiomatic assumptions, while they make insane claims to us about natural science and what actually exists in the physical world. Totally absurd! But it works when people can’t breakdown the subdivisions of science for themselves.
Dr. Sam, I like that you are providing some excerpts from Mark’s work since I have not read through his books yet. VERY important work for sure, to help the world to wake up from unsupported narratives.