Bursting The Germ Theory Bubble

19th October 2024 In 2020 with the onset of The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity there began a series of psychological and physical assaults against populations

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Terrain Theory: Recontextualising the Germ

Why is it considered “settled science” among epidemiologists, virologists and the general public that certain diseases like Influenza and COVID-19 are transmitted through human contact, when in fact it has never been proven that diseases spread this way?

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Germ Theory

Whooping Cough and the Vaccine Myth Bursting The Germ Theory Bubble The Truth About Contagion Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax Toxic Shock: Bacteria vs

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Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory

26th May 2021 Dr. Sam summarises the differences between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory 🧫vs🌲 References:1. Virus Mania – 3rd English edition2. Impure Science –

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Drs Bailey Q&A 14 October 2024

14th October 2024 In this episode we address the following: Terrain Therapy: Toenail fungus treatment (09:21) Shedding & “Replicon” vaccine in Japan (12:36) Placebo effect

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Dr Fauci’s West Nile Virus

7th September 2024 In the world of virology, there are many blockbuster “viruses” that serve the deadly Pharmaceutical Empire and friends. Everyone is familiar with the Spanish Flu, measles, and

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Drs Bailey Q&A 31 August 2024

31st August 2024 In this episode we address the following: Turpentine for health (06:22) Hormones – can they be isolated? (8:44) Down’s Syndrome and intelligence

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The Truth About Contagion

24th August 2024 When it comes to the pandemic industry there are now so many aspects of the swindle that we have written several books

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