8th September 2021

What was Koch actually up to in his lab when he formulated his famous postulates?

What attempts have been made to keep germ theory alive in the modern era with techniques such as the PCR?

Let’s have a look into the fraudulent science that started with Koch and continues to the current day. 👇

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1 Comment

  1. In German but have you both looked up the article here about the RKI [ RKI Robert Koch Institute 🇩🇪 is the equivalent of the 🇺🇸 CDC ] https://www.insidebw.de/whistleblowerin-die-brisanten-corona-protokolle-des-rki-was-die-regierung-verheimlichen-wollte ? And here ( you might need to use a VPN with a German exit server ) https://rki-transparenzbericht.de/ ??

    ” At 10 a.m., a live press conference took place in the “Sprechsaal” in Berlin-Mitte, where freelance journalist Aya Velasquez presented the details of the leak together with Professor Stefan Homburg and Bastian Barucker, who is also a freelance journalist.
    The conference was broadcast live on Platform X.
    The publication follows an already partially successful lawsuit by Paul Schreyer of the magazine Multipolar, who had been given access to 2,500 pages of the RKI protocols, which were largely blacked out and only lasted until May 2021.

    The publication of the unredacted RKI protocols has triggered a wave of discussion in Germany. These documents shed new light on the decisions and measures taken during the Corona pandemic. From the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute to the political decisions – much was previously unknown to the public. Thanks to the courageous revelation of a whistleblower and the meticulous work of journalist Aya Velázquez, we can now delve deeper into the events and critically question the actions of those responsible.

    A look behind the scenes: The role of Drosten and Spahn
    The protocols reveal interesting details about well-known personalities such as Christian Drosten and Jens Spahn. Drosten, for example, decided not to publish a study because its results would have contradicted government action. This raises the question of the extent to which scientific findings have been influenced by political decisions. Jens Spahn, on the other hand, planned vaccination programs for children, although there was no recommendation from the Standing Committee on Vaccination ( Stiko ). Such decisions show that political interests were sometimes placed above scientific advice. “

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