Aluminium, Vaccines & Detox

21st January 2023 Many adults and children have been subjected to aluminium poisoning. While this can happen from environmental sources inadvertently, millions have been injected

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What’s Next for mRNA Vaccines?

14th January 2023 One of the “goals” of COVID-19 appears to be convincing the public to accept minimally-tested pharmaceutical products. Not only that, but to

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The Truth About Fever

26th November 2022 Fever – this has to be one of the most misunderstood topics that all of us have to deal with at some

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They’re Doing It Again!

19th November 2022 The COVID-19 narrative is running out of fresh material, so they are starting to do re-runs. And just like “The Love Boat”,

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Bioweapons BS

1st October 2022 Many people can see that there are problems with the “virus” model and the concept of contagion in general. However, the notion

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Drs Bailey Q&A 27 August 2022

27 August 2022 In this episode we address the following: How to mention “viruses don’t exist” to friends and family without it destroying the relationship

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The Lazy Lies of Roger Watson

Dr Mark Bailey Dr Roger Watson was introduced to us earlier this year when he wrote a clumsy hit piece against Sam that was published on

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What About Rabies?

5th August 2022 Sometimes in the middle of a virus existence debate, someone blurts out, “What about rabies?” Rabies is a terrifying condition that has

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Drs Bailey Q&A 25 July 2022

25 July 2022 My husband Mark joined me for our first ever Q&A session – exclusive content for paid subscribers. We received so many questions

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