8th April 2023

It has become clear that there are several permitted narratives when it comes to COVID-19 or any alleged “viral” illnesses. However, all of these narratives come back to the “virus” and the concept of contagion. The ‘no virus‘ arguments remain completely suppressed.

In order to sustain the virus fraud, there needs to be universal acceptance of the virologists’ pseudoscientific methodologies. Let’s take a look at a 2017 WHO document that “anticipated” the need for all of the world to establish virology labs.

And why do some health freedom leaders continue to support the WHO sponsored anti-science of virology?

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  1. I have no direct evidence to support this but I strongly suspect that, if those in the Freedom Movement who so strongly support the administration of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin had instead prescribed M&Ms or Smarties, they would have seen similar results. I myself went through periods of congestion and breathing difficulties over the last few years and treated them effectively with Butter Menthols and rest.

  2. Great video for sharing. Thanks for all you do. It seems people are becoming more receptive.

  3. Why can’t I like or reply to others’ comments? Why can’t I like Sam’s video? Does anyone else have this problem?

  4. Again, very well presented, Sam.
    My mind focuses on the fact that the sources of said authority on global topics (WHO,UN,BIS etc) are beyond the law and lack transparency in their methods. I dearly want people to wake up and distrust national or local said authorities because they defer to these non-credible global entities. That voids their legitimacy.
    I’m somewhat heartened that parts of Africa appear non-cooperative with the WHO.

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