6th July 2024

This is the video version of “Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth”, first published by the Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) Team on the 20th of June, 2024. It asks why millions of reported deaths starting in 1918 were blamed on a “virus” when there were numerous other environmental factors involved, including the mass deployment of deadly chemicals during World War 1.

In our book Virus Mania, we included a subchapter “‘Spanish Flu’ 1918: Result of the First World War, Not of a Virus!” outlining some of the evidence against a contagious “pathogen”. This included the inconsistent epidemiological patterns and the complete failure to demonstrate transmission of disease in startling human experiments. There was no evidence that all the deaths of the period were caused by the same “thing” – instead there were a range of assaults on humanity: war, deprivation, inappropriate use of pharmaceuticals such as aspirin and of course the highly toxic plethora of vaccines.

In their latest investigation, the HFDF Team unravel more of this historical disaster, adding to the case that there is no ‘it’ in the form of a claimed influenza virus. This information is a timely boost as a leaked video in May this year revealed how the public health officials are “preparing” for a ‘bird flu’ outbreak. It is time to put an end to the fraudulent pandemic industry so please consider sharing this work.

This is the fourth video we have produced in conjunction with the HFDF Team. The other three essential presentations are:

Please find the ways you can support the HFDF here.


  1. Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth”, Health Freedom Defense Fund Team, 20 Jun 2024
  2. The Story of Pfizer Inc. – A Case Study in Pharmaceutical Empire and Corporate Corruption”, Dr Sam Bailey, 1 Jul 2023
  3. What Happened In Italy In 2020?”, Dr Sam Bailey, 11 Nov 2023
  4. Pharmaceutical Fraud and the Discovery of ‘Rotavirus’”, Dr Sam Bailey, 4 Feb 2024
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  1. You did a video about the 1918 influenza a long time ago where you revealed the use of vaccinations and five specific registered experiments where they tried without success to pass the ‘supposed virus’ from a sick person to a healthy person. Not many people know about that. This video is even more revealing as to what actually happened back then. Thank you Dr Sam.

  2. It’s all so obvious, isn’t it… and so very, very sad. Thanks, Sam. This is an excellent video to send to people who have never thought to question the ‘Spanish flu’… and thereafter to provoke further thought.
    Pete Seeger: “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pZa3KtkVpQ

    Dulce et Decorum Est
    By Wilfred Owen

    Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
    Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
    Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs,
    And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
    Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots,
    But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
    Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
    Of gas-shells dropping softly behind.

    Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling
    Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time,
    But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
    And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime.—
    Dim through the misty panes and thick green light,
    As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

    In all my dreams before my helpless sight,
    He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

    If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace
    Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
    And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
    His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;
    If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
    Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
    Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
    Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,—
    My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
    To children ardent for some desperate glory,
    The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
    Pro patria mori.
    (Trans: How sweet and fitting it is to die for one’s country!)

  3. Does “cholera and typhoid fever” really exist? Are they real health conditions or are they detoxification processes?

  4. Dr Dr Sam,
    I’m so glad you presented this. Several years ago I read the book, The Spanish Flu. I think back to the many experiments that are spoken of in this book. Now, being on the other side of of things; my mind has changed so much, yet even though I’m not that smart to completely understand all true science and terrible manipulations that the Rockefeller Foundation has done to humankind in the past, they have taken over all of medicine and thrown out all of the basic foods and vitamins a person needs to not only live but thrive. Thank you so much for putting this together so I can see the truth. The truth is ugly but we need to know it because they will not stop trying to kill us! I am grateful for what you and Mark do for this community. I only pray that more would open their minds to new ideas that are non-medical!🙏🩷

  5. Hi Sam,
    Thanks for posting this analysis. I am taken by the details of the conditions that were created by WW1. I had not really understood the intensity of the assaults that human beings were exposed to during this period; this presentation has definitely improved my understanding of how these toxic conditions were a serious and non-considered cause for the “flu”. As unpleasant as it is, the pictures and footage of the actual conditions were of great impact and help in my understanding of those conditions.
    I really appreciate all of the effort that you all take in producing these educational videos!

  6. Thank you Sam for this very informative video. I have learnt such a lot from watching this. I wish that all schools across the globe could have access to all of your videos so that we could get the truth ” out there” . However this is a forlorn hope and we must just keep opening people’s eyes slowly and surely.

  7. Thank you Dr Sam for this video.It makes a lot of sense. I love your work thank you.

  8. Dear Sam,
    What a Masterpiece of investigative Report, Mind blowing,,,, how myths getting shutter these days,,
    big big thank you.

  9. Many thanks Sam, another excellent video. Of course another factor in the fatality rate for Spanish Flu was the medical “treatment”. Particularly the administration of lethal doses of aspirin.

  10. Thank you for all these reasons pointing towards chemicals and horrible sanitary conditions and psychological distress being the cause of the deaths and illnesses, and for all the reasons pointing away from contagion, I find it all very convincing. And also when taking into account who benefited and still benefits from claiming a “virus” was involved.

    I’m still waiting for evidence and reasoning on this level, about harm from electromagnetic activity. I’ve read all I could find on the topic, including The Invisible Rainbow.

  11. Great video- the propaganda of the Spanish flu like so many other narratives from WW1 are like a terrible virus that cannot be eradicated! The real virus is the propaganda of lies by governments and mainstream media

  12. Germ theory also extends to bacteria.

    Are you suggesting that if a couple has a child diagnosed with “strep”, that they should not use antibiotics if recommended by their doctor?

    Thank you.

  13. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome doesn’t exist, and neither do all of the other 300+ “disorders” the psych industry has come up with in order to push more drugs for the pharma industry.

  14. A few years ago I found myself in the village (I wouldn’t even call it a small town) of Porté-Puymorens, in southern France close to Andorra in the Pyrenees mountains. At the edge of the town was erected a monument to the fallen soldiers of WWI. I was utterly stunned to find that, of a place that at its peak might have been home to 100 or so folks (living peaceful, agragrian lives, and mostly disconnected from the rest of civilization), there was a list of maybe a couple of dozen fallen soldiers. If this astonishing death rate for such a small settlement can be extrapolated to the rest of the nation, then it can safely be concluded that the real total death count is higher, or perhaps significantly so, than the official number. Or, one can conclude, that the “elites” had a vested interest in depopulating such rural areas, while sparing more densely populated centers like Paris, Lyon, etc (such contrast between rural and urban areas can easily be seen today in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict).
    Another observation: the death rates for women for the so called “flu” while lower than for males at the peak in the middle still mirrors the trend for the male population. I take it that women, now sent to work under slave like conditions to produce shells and other materiel for the war (perhaps under unhealthy and dangerous working conditions), separated from their husbands for the first time and left alone to take care of the entire household, and thus facing crushing levels of stress fearing whether a note from army headquarters was going to arrive the next day telling them the remains of their husband lay on the battlefields of northern France, would have been weakened to such an extent, that their bodies became nearly as susceptible to disease as their male counterparts fighting in the trenches (not to mention the fact that the diet for the working age population at the “home front” would have been severely compromised).

  15. I’ve always marvelled at Old Alien Head Rockefeller. The most distinguishing feature of Humanity, that makes us human, that of conscience, is entirely absent in that visage. It is fitting that his head looks like it has bathed in the fires of hell and simultaneously extinguished the spark of life from his eyes.

    Another thing I have noticed are the colourful metaphors that the perpetrators use to weave their fiction in order to heighten fear, such as “the virus marches on” and “sweeps across the lands”! Such floral verbosity, ‘Tis more suited to a Stephen King rubbish novel. It reminds me of when I attended a Covid 19 meeting in the hospital where I worked prior to getting the sack, oh sorry I meant to say in their vernacular, ‘stood down’, the Executive Director stated “the virus was amassing at the state borders”! I kid you not, that is what he said. This guy should write war propaganda, I thought to myself. It laterally makes me think of Soviet tanks at the Polish border, or NATO agitating on the Ukraine/Russian border. How does a virus (if it existed of course) amass at a state geographical border? Is it awaiting orders from its genotype Generals? Is it regrouping before strategically making another lauch and assault?

    This group that pits itself against Humanity uses every type and way of lie. Shame is unknown to them. Insanity is their mental prison. Always remember what Stalin said: “Our greatest weapon is the printing press.”

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