18th August 2024
Recently, a man named Craig Hutchinson published a Substack article claiming that he deserves credit for Dr Mark Bailey’s A Farewell to Virology, a unique treatise providing the most extensive refutation of the virus model to date. Craig has tagged our names and used the word “plagiarism” in his defamatory attempt while providing no evidence that he had anything to do with Mark’s work. Normally we would ignore such puerile nonsense but some purported members of the ‘freedom’ community have accepted this farcical tale at face value so we have produced a comprehensive response.
Craig’s story can be exposed for the monumental fraud that it is through the following facts:
- Anyone can see that A Farewell to Virology and the Heterodoxies Statement of Claim (SoC), from which he claims the essay derives, are completely different. In fact, it appears that he is not even familiar with Mark’s work.
- Dr John Bevan-Smith’s statement affirms that he, not Craig, is the sole author and copyright owner of the originating document that was converted into the Heterodoxies SoC, just as Mark is the sole author and copyright owner of his completely separate essay, A Farewell to Virology.
- As well as containing completely different content, A Farewell to Virology (published on the 15th of September, 2022) cites multiple sources dated after the 6th of August, 2021, the date the Heterodoxies SoC was filed in the Auckland High Court. Does Craig imagine that Mark’s essay magically wrote itself over the intervening period?
- Craig ludicrously claims that the people who deserve credit for Mark and John’s work are shown on a Minds webpage. This is nothing more than his social network page where he posted some publicly-available videos and articles between late 2020 and early 2021.
- Craig omits the fact that Mark and John published The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity on the 11th of November, 2021 and made it freely available to the public. This is another entirely original (and copyrighted) essay that provided an update regarding the Heterodoxies SoC being stayed by the legal system.
- It is patently obvious that Mark and I have published hundreds of videos, articles and books since early 2020. As far as we know Craig has neither written nor published anything of significance in this field – his one reference provided is the aforementioned Minds webpage which is as vacuous as the rest of his story.
- In correspondence with Christine Massey on the 15th of August, 2024, Craig claimed that we had not investigated germ theory until he directed Mark to do so when they met briefly in public in December 2021. This is another fabrication because I joined the Virus Mania team in September 2020 and had published several other refutations of germ theory, including in May and September of 2021.
Unfortunately, Craig’s concocted fairy tale was given support by some of those claiming to be ‘truth-seekers’ in the health freedom space. Aside from failing to establish the facts, they have failed to learn the lesson that someone appearing out of nowhere with a sensational but evidence-lacking story is likely to be a charlatan.
As if this was not enough, in a bizarre twist of events a self-proclaimed ‘truth-seeker’ who supported Craig’s delusional story then attempted to blackmail Mark and Christine Massey. In this video I am going to expose this skullduggery and shine some light on a small group of narcissists who have invaded the ‘no virus’ community to undermine those who are acting with honesty and openness.
- Virus Mania, 3rd English edition, 2021
- The Final Pandemic, Drs Mark & Samantha Bailey, 2024
- A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition), Dr Mark Bailey, 15 Sep 2022
- “Statement of Dr John Bevan-Smith re: ‘Poisoned Kiwi’ Substack”, 18 Aug 2024
- “Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory”, Dr Sam Bailey, 26 May 2021
- “Koch’s Postulates: Germ School Dropout”, Dr Sam Bailey, 8 Sep 2021
- Virology’s Event Horizon, Dr Mark Bailey, 5 Apr 2024
- “The scientific vacuum: The scientific method and its absence in virology”, Kate Sugak, 19 Mar 2024
- “The Yin & Yang of HIV”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2022
- “The Hunt”, Mike Stone, 24 Nov 2023
- “To Christine Massey and Mark Bailey”, ‘Proton Magic’, 15 Aug 2024
- “Dr Mark Bailey’s statement to Jamie Andrews”, 19 Aug 2024
“Dr Mark Bailey’s statement to Sasha Latypova”, 31 Aug 2024
Two of the very first truth warriors to bravely and altruistically raise their heads above the Convid deception, 2020 .
They risked their careers and reputation to tell; those of us that’d listen , dangerous truths, in a time when the whole world had lost its mind.
I will be forever grateful & forever vociferously defend them both.
Thanks for this eye opener and warning.
I have unsubscribed form 3 off them already dpl, Proton Magic, and Sasha Latypova too.
Well done for calling it out – you really do shine a light in the darkness
Shades of the idiot in India who claimed to have invented “email” in the 1990’s and wanted everyone to buy a license from him to use it.
” orchestrated litany of lies ” LOL – Mt. Erebus
Wow! I read through the PK stuff first, including the comments (!?!) for background then continued to listen to Sam. You could be forgiven for thinking that half the people mentioned/substacking/commenting were bots or agents provocateurs. Egos are obviously involved. Reputations are ostensibly at stake. At the end of the day, though, we should not be at all surprised that Sam and Mark’s work, and that of the others for whom attempts to smear have been made, would come to this. I guess it’s a part of truth coming out of the shadows. The shadows are dancing agitatedly! Sam and Mark, your light shines on.
Not a great idea to make out projections as reality, an even worse idea if you fall under the Bailey’s scrutiny. Ouch!
These people like Mr Hutchinson are being employed to discredit people like the Bailey’s by the DIC. The Baileys have long proven they are honest decent people. They are obviously a massive pain in the rear of the cabal because of the work they do informing people of medical fraud in the allopathic health system.
I wonder if they heard about a British military unit called the 77th Brigade! This unit is employed to sit behind computers trolling the internet. They spy on people and cause trouble for truth tellers such as the Bailey’s. They also hide behind ‘avatars’. and work constantly to discredit people. A similar thing to what the so-called Fact Checkers do. I suspect they could be involved here. They were set up by the British government about the time of the start of the Covaids scam in 2020.
Brian Gerrish of the UK Column News first exposed them and has reported on their tactics several times. You got to know who your enemy is and it’s certainly Not Dr’s Sam and Mark Bailey.
Who are you? Really who? Your name? Is that who and what you are? There are no messiah’s, Historical names are but story Characters. So I ask again who are you? What is important? Whether your name is credited or whether the substance of the message is disseminated? Who gets credit. Who plays hero, is absolutely irrelevant to me. That the message is spread far and wide until the concepts are grasped by the masses and the vocabulary common plac, is what matters. Under whose name or what strawman I do not care. I emailed you a message about an article attacking the message worry about that. Ignore this Me me me me I did it I’m the one, BS. No it was me, was I who talking about no viruses before any of you, it’s true. I debated and shared till it was no longer possible on social media, SO WHAT? Who cares, Sit down let’s talk about what is important. Eight billion(ish) souls in this world who’ve been deceived in a multitude of ways are the concern the only concern. Shining light for them on these most nefarious and exposable sorcerers spells virology and climate change which can pull back the veil. Opening minds so all deceptions topple like dominos. Maintain your integrity by maintaining your integrity not by fighting those who assail it. Stick to the message. That the message is spread is ALL. If someone or a thousand someone’s want to claim they knew it first and take credit does not matter, let the message spread otherwise not only will you not get credited for your work your work and everything you hold dear will be trampled. So, do the math show your work and let it speak for it’s self. Keep moving forward. Fighting clowns is for clowns who play dress up. Do not be a clown.
Crap, 😣 should have edited that before hitting send, excuses my poor grammar. I’ll learn not to commenting on small screens eventually. Hopefully you get the gist and don’t let the clowns bother you anymore. You are above it. Keep going.
Good one Sam – keep up your great work & calling out these people with nefarious schemes. We are in truely evil times & your work is some light shining through the darkness.
Isa 5:20 “How terrible it will be for those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute what is bitter for what is sweet and what is sweet for what is bitter!”
Goodness. What a drama. I only know of Proton Magic – to whom I subscribed for a time until I realised he was just a raver, look-at-me waste of time. Probably the most shocking revelation to me is that he is actually a medical doctor! Yikes for his patients! As Debra says, doesnt matter who said what and when (and I still dont understand or care what Hutchinson thinks he has claim to), the point is someone needs to be moving in the direction of facts and truth. For me, that has consistently been the Baileys.
Since I can’t comment on Odysee, I just came by to drop one.
I just wanted to say thank you both for your great work.
And don’t let these a$$holes affect you.
There’s so many psyops acting these days, acting like truthers while they only speak truth only partially like those mentioned.
Dr. Sam (and by extension Dr. Mark) just a kudos for your sticktoitivness to the truth seeking you have carried on for these last few years. You were the spur that prompted me to listen and evaluate virus theory “forcing” me to question the traditional understanding not only of virus theory but especially the medical-pharmaceutical complex and its monolithic imposition on all things medicine.
Your bravery and commitment are undeniable.
Keep up the good work. It is a shame that you had to make this post.
love the Led Zeppelin sound!
I cannot fault Mark and Sam Baileys work. More importantly, their integrity.
I’m so sorry to hear you are being attacked by people who are supposedly ‘awake’. The govts want us to turn o each other to help their evil course.
God bless you both and we will be behind you all the way
I have been listening to you both for a few years now, I saw your interview with Graham Hood, John Later, Club Grubbery , I was impressed they interviewed you but unfortunately they still believe in viruses and also praise McCulloughs 90 peer view papers frequently. I have noticed on X Twitter when anything comes up about viruses your books and videos are mentioned. Keep up the good work . I also follow Viroliegy Mike Stone who does great research and articles. Thanks again keep up the good fight.
“If you’re getting a lot of flak, you know you’re right on target.”
I personally prefer describing the motivation behind such behaviour as described in the video as emanating from “pride” – the primordial sin – as opposed to “narcissism” with its psychiatric connotations, which tends to “psychologize” cretinous behaviour; perhaps I was too busy teaching and doing research during the early 2000’s, but the only time I ever noticed the latter word being used consistently in preference to the former was sometime during the 2010’s (the same applies to “gaslighting”, which quite understandably has become the word of choice to describe much of the chicanery that we see around us on a daily basis).
On a side note – it appears (at least according to certain sources) that the “miracle wonder drug” ivermectin for the treatment of an illness caused by a non-existent/invisible “bug”, and pushed aggressively among the near totality of “alternative” docs works to promote infertility – an alternate route for the same Malthusian end promoted wittingly or unwittingly by so many “experts” who most folks thought were “on their side”?
Dr Mark is a honorable man . I have no doubt in my mind at all about his honesty . Dr. Sam is also top notch in my opinion. This attempt to Sabotage their work is sick . Dr Mark I believe you 100percent .
Ok, so I don’t know any of the muppets you have spoken about in this video, but I liked the put down greatly, maybe another book for the pipeline: ‘Medical Muppets and the path to insanity’.
the usual narcissistic agents at the i.e. FDA are still in search of evidence facilitating further “[money pox revenue]” concerning these FOI’s at 👇
They are nothing more than controlled opposition. The more attention they get, the more empowered they feel!
Hi Dr. Mark and Sam,
It’s so sad that your team had to take the time to “defend” yourselves from the “wannabes”. Keep looking forward with great attitude and perseverance.
Extending my best wishes of great skills and good luck. Best, k