5th October 2024

Dr Sam White had been a General Practitioner in the United Kingdom for over a decade when the COVID-19 show was launched in 2020. His refusal to participate in rituals such as face masking soon attracted the attention of unquestioning colleagues and then the medical “authorities”. Not deterred, in early 2021 he recorded a video that went “viral” with millions of views as he exposed the vaccine rollout scam.

Like me, Sam renounced his medical licence and in parallel with my experience, the General Medical Council kept him on the medical register in order to stage a kangaroo court. Again like me, Sam had no interest in participating in such a ridiculous spectacle. A few weeks ago he was ‘struck off’ so I caught up with him to find out what happened and why we are both a major problem for the controlled and dangerous medical establishment.

Dr Sam (UK version) also explained how a personal health crisis led him to move away from allopathic medicine and into a more holistic approach through functional medicine. This included waking up to the widespread perversions of the pharmaceutical industry and becoming an evidence-based “anti-vaxxer”. Despite the gravity of the current situation, he retains a sharp sense of humour. Additionally, this unshakeable and authentic physician continues to show what must be done to end systemic corruption.


Dr Sam White’s Social Media:

    1. Website
    2. Instagram
    3. Facebook 
    4. Telegram
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  1. Thanks to both of you, to stand up to this tyranny!! Such a parallel situation for you Sams… I’m still dumb founded that people are STILL blindly following Mainstream Medicine and Media. Why is it so obviously a worldwide scam, yet the majority don’t see it??
    I guess you either are ‘Enlightened’, or you aren’t :o)
    Unfortunately the signs show we’re headed for more lockdowns of sorts, hopefully not, but because most haven’t learnt from this previous scam, people will fall into this trap again :o(
    Love your work Sam as usual x

  2. What a profound and informative conversation! Thank you Sam and Sam for discussing your stories in detail and highlighting the impact of the events since 2020. I’m sure many, many people are cheering you both on. Thank you for facing the wave of professional, personal and financial attacks and never giving in, never taking the knee. You are both true heroes of our time.

  3. Thank you very much dr sam it must be very hard for a Doctor to work through the situation.i know just through my family and friends i find it impossible to talk to them about what has happened over the last 4 years. thank you very much.

  4. I am reading the book “murder by injection” , Eustace Clarence Mullins. He shows that the rot in the medical system had started around 1847 with the AMA (American Murder Association). Good to have people like you on board in our battle. Doctor or not, we can all do our share, inform and help people to wake up. Not always appreciated, but with persistence we are able to plant the seeds that will lead to changes of mind and understanding.

  5. Thank you so much Dr. Sam, and Dr. Sam,
    Speaking as a member of the people, your truth-telling is the salve that is helping me to experience the much needed relief from the constant bombardment of lies that mechanically pop-up and assault me each day. Compassion, humor, and creative reason are distinctively human, and you both exhibit and exemplify these qualities in your discourse with us, keep up your efforts and know that we are many and they are getting fewer and fewer. Your dialog has definitely struck my heartstring.

  6. Thanks for that great interview with Dr. Sam White!!! It’s always so nice to find another doctor out there who had the smarts and guts to oppose all the COVAIDS tyranny!!!

  7. Sending all of my love and support to the other Dr Sam. I am so proud of him! Thank you Dr Sam for having him on! xo Jen

  8. Wonderful discussion. You are two of the brightest lights in these dark times. Never give up, more people are awakening every day. The truth will prevail. Love you both.

  9. Love Dr Sam White. A shining beacon in a dark world. I think he’s absolutely right that no one with any critical thinking ability trusts the medical mafia any longer . The good news is that this mistrust has been extended to all forms of government and governmental departments. It’s all so obvious now that our eyes have been opened. It can only get better.

  10. Great interview,
    Thank you both. I hadn’t seen anything of Dr Sam White in a long time so it felt really good to see him again. Keep on fighting the good fight!

  11. Sam and Sam, – you are a blessing from above. Your integrity is a beaming light of inspiration to us all. Your humility and the love for mankind that radiates from your heart brings me to tears. Thank you.

  12. Thank you so much, dear Sam and dear Sam. What a great talk.
    Thank you both so much for your courage and for being such a shining light.
    Love from Frid

  13. These “medical” lockdowns is how “they” are going to get around people not being concerned enough about “climate emergency”. “They” are the same people pulling the strings in both scenarios and ALL governments for their own personal enrichment.

  14. We are with you (Dr) Sam White (brackets because it’s no longer a badge of honour or integrity) and may your spiritual and mental strength come from knowing you are supported by the people as well as the higher. I’m on a spiritual journey myself and would take issue at this point in my journey with the idea of ‘evil’. When people think there is an evil presence (represented by a tail and horns!) that must be fought, it gives the wrong doings that supposedly emanate from such a force much more power than the reality. There is the shadow side of human nature which can snowball in the presence of other shadows. Shining a light on this creates a melting effect. We are presently engulfed by snowballs which make us feel the chill but we are not buried under that snow because the side that constitutes our light is what counts and what warms and what heals.

  15. Very interesting interview as always ! It’s so important to hear from heroes like you, Mark and M. Sam White! Many, many thanks!

  16. Great interview Dr Sam. I wonder if you heard of Dr Vernon Coleman! He calls himself “an old man in a chair” He could be called a mirror image of you . He like you was a TV doctor in the 70’s. He too woke up to the fraud of Allopathic medicine. He like you is an Author and has sold something like a million books. He like you was banned from every social media platform to this day. He is an elderly doctor, you are a young doctor it would be a real gem to hear you both speaking together.
    He is probably well into his 70’s now and I have not seen any of his videos recently. It would be fantastic if you could get to do a video with him because No1 it would be so interesting and No2 it would be great to do this before he dies. Though I hope he lives forever. Vernon, like Dr Sam White is a Uk citizen.

  17. The atrocious traitorous fascist Medical Establishment has shown its true colours in England and across the world as hideous propaganda collaborators of oppressive government Orwellian control, devoid of conscience. Both Dr. Sam White and Dr. Sam Bailey stand out as radiant beacons of integrity, warmth, authenticity and courage – with grounded good humour and vibrant smiles! There’s an ARMY of people across the world who will happily and heartily follow in support of you both, regardless of the traitorous tinpot totalitarian regimes. Sending sincere heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you both. Stay strong and ever radiant, keep sparkling! The Armies of Truth are ADVANCING!

  18. Dr Sam White is the doctor I suggested to a couple of medical students to check out a few years back. They most probably got put off by the MSM headlines! 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Dr Sam White has such a gentle nature and he is also quite witty! I really enjoyed this interview. Thanks – Sam

  19. Its the antibiotics. They decimate the gut, and leave the patient flat, tired, grumpy, irritable; and this is when doctors prescribe antidepressants because they don’t know.

  20. Great guy, who confirms all of my research and beliefs, the creator will keep you safe.

  21. Yes, Sam, Sam White’s work is no doubt in “the Big Book” (Akasha records everything). Great interview, and very helpful to be familiar with leading lights in helping us all out of the current medical global quagmire!

  22. This was an eye opener because this event is a stark remider that we are under wholescale, clandestine tyrannical rule by many mafias. If one looks deeply you’ll uncover a systemic mirroring of control exerted by multinational corporations- from food and drinks to phamaceticals and to the nery products that define progress. We have been indoctrinated to believe that things are “safe” and we trust that our health and safety are a priority. Unfortunately, there is a wholescale breach of trust being exercised on modern capitalist citizens where exploitation has increased under the guise of helping us to “progress”. It is a sad remider that ehtics have been supplanted by the urge to exploit for profit. .

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