29th September 2024

In early 2020, the Canadian biostatistician Christine Massey realised that something was wrong with the COVID-19 story. She was motivated to commence investigations into virology and the claimed evidence for the existence of ‘SARS-CoV-2’. This led to the development of the Freedom of Information Act project that revealed more than 200 health and science institutions being unable to cite any valid scientific evidence for the alleged “virus”.

Over time the project has expanded to include other alleged “viruses” as well as evidence that any microbes, including bacteria, have been shown to be pathogenic in controlled scientific experiments. The conclusions from Christine’s research are clear: virology is based on pseudoscience and germ “theory” has been falsified. Her work has caught the attention of the establishment media and she even earned a typically-disingenuous “fact check” article recently.

My husband Mark and I had the privilege to have this relaxed discussion with Christine. We talked about what woke us up in 2020, dealing with mainstream antagonists (as well as those within the ‘freedom community’), trying to get people to see the foundational fraud of “pandemics”, and appreciating some of the wider frauds being perpetuated. It is fair to say that Christine Massey is truly one-of-a-kind, although a few months ago a case of mistaken identity allowed her to blow open the brewing “Avian Flu” swindle!

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  1. What an excellent interview. The information, the analysis, the tone, I really appreciate the content of the conversation, and the questions asked…but, most of all, the gentle strength I sense synergistically emanating throughout the interview …that supports and strengthens me in my own personal resolve to continue seeking truth. Thank you.

  2. This was very well done, covering highly emotional topics in a truthful and low key way.

    Mildly related, this just came out from CHD, but is clearly NOT the truth, the whole truth,
    and nothing but the truth… http://covidindex.science

    Just a few searches convinced me that it’s bad science.

    May God bless you all, and yours,
    Michel (Mike) Gerard Rainville
    Montreal, Canada

  3. It is really good seeing you both teaming up together to highlight the nonsense being thrust on the public as being truthful when the opposite is the case. It us hard to comprehend why seemingly intelligent people are prepared to push such a dangerous paradigm with absolutely no evidence to prove their contentions and what they think they are getting from so doing.

  4. Thanks Sam and Mark for bringing Christine on. I am taken by her quietly honest demeanor that would make anyone comfortable in discussions with her. What is also clear is her courage and determination when confronting her detractors and especially in dealing with the “justice” system. It gives me pause to think about what I might be able to do and how to contribute in helping to educate others about the important facts and systems that are purposefully hidden from us.

  5. Wonderful interview! I completely agree that we need to remain calm and focus on educating and sharing truth, rather than fear mongering and vitriol. Keep sharing and trusting God will open hearts to reality.

  6. Isn’t it interesting how the different personalities as well as the different approaches and aspects of the truth all seem to fit like jigsaw pieces coming together. It’s the universe working towards the whole- perhaps slowly repairing it. And it’s now so much easier to feel when there is a piece of the jigsaw that someone is attempting to squish into the wrong place or that belongs elsewhere. Thank you guys.

  7. When it gets to the point where a Government Agency is not able to be trusted, it is time to abolish the agency. History shows reform does not work.

  8. I love the way you three are able to laugh at the censorsin this area. Keep it up.you are great!

  9. Another very good interview. She is obviously contributing a lot to exposing the medical corruption – good addition and support to the work you both are doing!

  10. Thank you for your research, fir those of us who knows this is bullshit but don’t have your knowledge to dig out the evidence & voice it. Keep up digging up the truth.

  11. I am honoured to have watched this interview of 3 amazing people of integrity 🙏
    I live in a tiny village in the top of the south and still remember ” closet viewing ” Dr Sam’s videos when all this shebang started……. there’s so much I could say, but I just need to let you know how Dr Sam’s videos became the key to the door of my new life, a life of relief ,of coming to……
    In deep gratitude 🌟

  12. Excellent interview!! Christine is a hero 💓💖

    At some point the table will turn and the house of cards will tumble down. And you can get on with homesteading videos 🥰💓

  13. It looks like the “great ivermectin psy-op” is still going mightily strong in certain quarters of the “alternative health freedom” movement…

    One gets a total of 50 hits when looking up “ivermectin” under the search option of the link kindly provided by Messieur Michel Gerard in one of the comments further above (http://covidindex.science)

    From a hit published as recently as March 22 of this year we read the following: “The FDA demonized ivermectin, which is a highly effective drug for the early treatment of COVID. The consequences of this, and what has to be clear is that this led directly to the death of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE [!!],’ Marik said. ‘So the FDA has blood on its hands.” lol… Yes, the FDA has “blood on its hands”, but not for the reasons suggested by Dr Paul Marik…

    As regards the unknown personality who uttered (@45:30): “The facts don’t matter… you’re wasting your time because all that matters is opinions, so why don’t you forget about your little project, etc etc…” My oh, my… Who could this person be? Should we be surprised someone within the “health freedom movement” should have uttered such remarkable words? I suppose not. I can think of at least a couple of persons who could have said something of that nature… What is most remarkable about this statement is that it is something akin to what any of the “puppeticians” could have said behind closed doors, and in fact the WHOLE convid-1984 “event” was built upon eschewing FACTS while promoting a certain NARRATIVE, or what is equivalent, the “opinions” mentioned by this unknown personality. Are these folks, ultimately – when push comes to shove – so different in mind-set from the Faucis and (Deborah) Birx’s of this world?

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