28th January 2023

“Viruses” have been used as a cover story for over a century now. There are so many vested interests and smoke screens that it can be difficult to get people to look into the “science” for themselves. They are content to believe second hand accounts from the media, governments and so-called health institutions.

Artificial Intelligence or AI platforms have been on the rise recently and millions of people are now engaging with them. We decided to put some questions about “viruses” to one of the most powerful chatbots currently in existence – ChatGPT. Are these platforms independent arbiters of truth or have they already been corrupted?

Is Artificial “Intelligence” even possible?


  1. Secrets of Influenza”, Dr Sam Bailey, 21 Apr 2021
  2. Spanish Flu”, Wikipedia 
  3. SARS-CoV-2”, PubMed search
  4. Human Action, Ludwig von Mises
  5. ChatGPT
  6. The Measles Myth”, Dr Sam Bailey, 9 Nov 2021
  7. Stefan Lanka: “Virus, It’s Time To Go.”“, Dr Sam Bailey, 12 Aug 2022
  8. FLASHBACK: The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! (2022)”, James Corbett 22 Jan 2023
  9. Nick Cave response on The Red Hand Files
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  1. The term “Artificial Intelligence” is being sorely misused in the media mania over so-called “AI”. One of the hallmarks of AI is supposed to be the ability of a computer to teach itself and even bypass its original programming. That is not what we are seeing in AI stories in the news. We are seeing clever programming, but not anything that is self-teaching beyond the limits of the original programming.

  2. Ai, isn’t intelligence, it is programming, using statistical algorithms, for efficiency. Intelligence requires an alteration in order to devise a new unknown solution rather than revising past knowledge. If you asked an Ai what are the odds, it draws upon past data. Past data is still useful, but insufficient to accurately forecast unknown events. If there is no prior data on the subject, how will any Ai answer – it’s doesn’t. People are told by Ai to revise their question instead. Even simple questions asked of an Ai will often be dropped because the Ai doesn’t like what you asked – isn’t programmed for that type of response.

    Here is one example why Ai is prone to disaster for humanity. If Ai was made as a global authority, over healthcare, then Ai is given the authority to decide our human fate for us. Our survival should never be limited to one authority – as all authorities can be compromised, corrupted. If one authority gets to decide the human fate of humanity, it must be 100% infallible, which there is no such authority or Ai in the world that is immune from making any mistakes.

    In the case of a new novel disease the world has never seen before, the Ai has zero training data on how to cure any of them. This would be the same issue adopting the world health organization as a global authority too.

    The only logical solution here is for every country, all of them, the more than 200+ countries in the world to investigate all possibilities, to find and discover what actually works. During COVID-19 the political narrative overrode medical doctors of their own judgement based upon their experience and education to decide what was in the best interest of their patients. The authority was corrupted, and even to this day, is not held accountable, liable or even responsible for the deaths caused by the vaccinations given without evidence of safety or effectiveness.

    Bottom line – Ai cannot be trusted, because Ai isn’t made to be honest or match the actual reality. Ai is just a virtual process, that cannot confirm, verify, check or establish the truth. The Ai doesn’t support yet the ability to alter it’s programming by itself, to correct for errors, mistakes, omittances or frauds in it’s training data.
    The same data exist without the Ai, but the access to the same data is restricted, limited and censored by the gate keepers of the world, because knowledge has always been power, and the elite don’t want us the people, to rise up and replace them from their positions over us. This is a power struggle, that continues to be valid, as it was since the beginning of our human ancestry.

    Humans can certainly benefit by the value of Ai systems, but they also bring with them new evils, new ways to weaponized ideas, thoughts, propaganda too. Nobody should blindly accept what any Ai tells you, always confirm, check, verify and establish – just as anyone should with anything vitally important or of significance. Ai, isn’t actually lying, it’s been program to omit the truth, and it doesn’t know this itself. It is easy to test Ai, ask it about reality, and there is no connection. Like all tools, they can be used for good or bad, so Ai itself isn’t either, it is rather how they are applied.

    Ai is unfortunately being applied wrongly (digital tyranny), for evil, and that is the part we must change, so Ai becomes a force of good, that can be applied for good in the world.

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