17th November 2024

Over the past five years we have dissected multiple aspects of The COVID-19 Fraud. This has included wider critiques of germ “theory” and the entire notion of “pathogens“. Along with researchers such as Daniel Roytas (Can You Catch A Cold?) and Mike Stone of ViroLIEgy, we have turned over every stone to investigate whether contagion is real.

This research has largely been focussed on the modern scientific literature – that is, from the 1800s onwards when concepts such as Koch’s postulates were introduced. However, there is another source we can consult to gain important insights into this matter: the Bible. Contained within its pages are descriptions of feared diseases such as leprosy and plagues and why they come about.

In this video we analyse the claims that the Scripture supports germ theory and contagion. Was this one of the reasons that so many Christians went along with the COVID fairy story? For the Bailey family, the Bible revealed something completely different and we followed in the footsteps of Dr Ulric Williams on our path to understanding true health.


  1. The Bible
  2. The Greatest Bible Who Ever Lived, Sergio de Bernardin, 2020
  3. Health Risks Of Using Your Cell Phone While on the Toilet”, Dr Sam Bailey, 25 Mar 2023
  4. What We Weren’t Taught About The Plague”, Dr Sam Bailey, 20 Jan 2024
  5. The Truth About Contagion”, Dr Sam Bailey, 24 Aug 2024
  6. Leprosy in the Bible”, BibleStudyTools.com (accessed 11 Nov 2024)
  7. Leprosy. An Update: Definition, Pathogenesis, Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment”, Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas (English Edition), 2013
  8. Terrain Therapy, Dr Ulric Williams & Dr Samantha Bailey, 2022
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  1. Excellent video!!! Yes indeed, there’s a lot of true science in the Bible as the Bible doesn’t lie.

  2. Most appropriate response to what you have presented in this video Sam is is a resounding Amen!

  3. Excellent job to link the health knowledge to the Bible. After being raised as a Christian and having read the Bible many times I fully missed out on the more amazing revelations that are there in front of our eyes. Paul Wallis opened my eyes. In line with his explanations I understand that also the medical knowledge was given to us by our neighbors in the cosmos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUbnyyyFG8c

  4. You have taught me so much over the last few years. I can’t thank you enough

  5. Mens sana in corpore sano! A maxim we have know for about two millennia….give or take. It never ceases to surprise me how all of the foundations to healthy living have been handed to us on silver platter, and yet, generation after generation, we continue to look elsewhere. Above all, Jesus taught us that fear is the modus operandi of the devil and intended to undermine our love and faith in God. Indeed our very relationship with him. In that vain – and as a Catholic – I was absolutely astounded by the mask wearing, hand sanitizing, panic stricken antics of the parishioners at my local Church during the Covid Haox. To me it was like a polarized lens that allowed a discerning insight into those who ‘truly believe’ versus those who have not yet realized what ‘faith in Jesus Christ’ actually means. But I suppose, also in the spirit of God’s love and understanding – we are all at different points along that journey.

    As always, a great segment Sam and Mark! A lot to unpack and ponder once you start to consider some of the underlying philosophy and dare I say theology of Dr. Williams. Thanks, and God Bless.

  6. I ve always wanted an answer on this topic. My brother, a germ theorist, always badmouthed my terrain beliefs withthe Bible mentioning leprosy and other deseases. Thanx for the topic of the video. Make more of these if there is Biblical material. Thanx.

  7. Just love that ultimately, you proclaim that we “…are wonderfully and fearfully made..” and by The One who knows how every molecule is supposed to function. They get out of kilter because we don’t follow the ‘Makers’ manual for healthy living. God it good. All the time 🙂

  8. Response to Hans Faasse
    A civilization existing previous to us might account for the anomolies in the architecture that Tom cowan speaks of. However I don’t understand why human beings, whether of this iteration or a previous one, would not be able to observe, apply themselves and learn about animal and plant husbandry over the course of time. Why should such basic ideas have come about only through the help and guidance of an alien input? But if that were the case, it begs the question; what caused the demise of the previous civilization and are we, as the current one, following in their footsteps and heading for our own demise?

  9. I’ve done an exhaustive search in the Bible of all the references to Leprosy. It appears that Leprosy is not well understood. By what we see in the Bible the condition seems to be a skin condition that can be mild or can develop into scarring or boils. One reference in Leviticus 13;24 refers to being “burned from the fire” as a cause. From everything I can find – leprosy could be a general skin condition or a specific condition caused by burning of the skin – which would produce the blistering spoken of in the Bible. Nonetheless, – one is only quarantined if they show negative symptoms even if they appear to have the condition. As long as their skin does not show a worsening of the condition. The fact that the priest could go to examine the condition indicates it can not be deemed to be contagious. The other interesting part of the person becoming “clean” are the ceremonial sacrifices related to one becoming “clean” to the others. This would indicate that this condition is not well understood as to what it completely represents. The condition of leprosy in the Bible may not be the same as what we call Leprosy today.

  10. There is a good short commentary on the “quarantine” advocated by some people from the Bible: “Outside the Camp: On Sickness, Quarantine, & Biblical Law”, by Jason Garwood.

  11. During early days of mRNA toxicity shots, an American YouTuber channel specialising in Catholicism and its spirituality refused to accept that the shots could be bad. He had a self belief that not one of his YT followers could be more spiritual than himself. Therefore he refused to listen to my and others warnings. Arrogance that he was more holy led to his downfall. He went on in subjecting himself, his wife, his young children and thousands of his followers to take the toxicity shot.

    To this day I see no reason why this wasn’t the mark of the beast. And the pale horse whose rider rode around the whole world wearing a bow. Now a bow is an expression where we get bow tie, in older times this was a material worn around the neck to cover one’s mouth. And where the ‘pale’ / white horse is a horse of peace, a saviour, but a false saving. That is the mRNA was seen to ‘save’ people.

    Later in Revelations, there’ll come a time where those who took the shots will break out in sores, and will wish to die.

    My dream says they’ll fall one by one, then a few at a time, but then as an avalanche. In my dream the people were destined to die, and I had to move quickly that they didn’t fall on me. My interpretation is that when this happens there’ll be great societal collapse and danger to the ones who may remain.

    While on Biblical themes, Mystery Babylon destroyed in one hour by arrows than don’t miss, is USA. With Putin stating for weeks, just the approval of long range missiles in Ukraine would be seen as an attack by NATO, as this requires US or European satellites and US and European military specialists. Russia can’t fight US and NATO, it’ll be forced to use nukes. There’s no strategic advantage in fighting US and its vassel states with a handful of nukes!!! It’ll be oblivion. The end has come to US and likely the beginning of the end of our modern civilization as the Bible says, “it’ll be many generations before such strong people emerge again”.

    Take care all

  12. Thank you for the video(s!), great clarification. Sadly the “churches” mostly complied and did not follow(and still not follow) the ever-true word of Peter:
    Acts 5,29: “… We ought to obey God rather than men.”
    I´m delighted to hear that you love the truth not only in medicine/virology(which is a great blessing for many)…….but that you also love the truth in the word of God(which shall become a much greater blessing for the many!).
    Be aware that in the realm of “faith” there are also many deceptions, as Jesus warned us of:
    Mt 24,4 „And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.“
    You may be very right with the mention of a „ anarchist church“ or „independent (house) church“….where the word of God is searched in honesty and love for the truth, above all human theories and philosophies:
    Kol 2,8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

    Much blessings and encouragements from german soil

  13. I am Not a Scientist! Although I believe that aside from academic recognition everyone is in fact a daily scientist of sorts! With that said I believe everyone has valid experiences, mine can be found to align with the writings of Biblical scriptures, I do not so much find the stories of Leprosy amounting to “space leaping” contagion as I do to, “dual” closeness to a contagion both Spiritual and physical.
    By that I mean that I believe that any living being has two things making “it” alive! one is healthy flesh and the other is Spirit quite intangible by recognised science I know, but there again so is the meaning of life or love for that matter! As well as the Leprosy “seeming” to be naturally contagious, we have many other cases of separation being important in the Holy Scripture, for instance in Levitical law we see that we are not supposed to touch dead bodies, this can be taken in the same vain as precaution of contagion, However Jesus Christ clarified this I believe (not that I exclude contagion as possible) in Luke Ch11 v24 we see that wicked Spirits dwell within people(probably where Sin has given license)and also in the account of Mark Ch5 v13 where we see the transit of Spirits by the thousand into swine! And it doesn’t take a genius to put together that Evil/Wicked Spirits can do harm to the host and those around them that engage in Sin themselves! Just exchange the word Sin for “Giving License” to being affected/infected, as anyone Spiritually aware including unfortunately some Satanists witches warlocks etc.

  14. What a timely video ! Thank you Dr. Sam for all your hard work ! Praying for you and your husband!

  15. The less false support for the defunct germ theory the better! Thanks Dr. Sam.

  16. Germ theorists never explain why the doctors’ unwashed hands only spread disease in the labour ward. What about other patients? Shouldn’t the doctors have been spreading disease all over the shop? Why did the hand-washing only cause a drop in mortality in one narrow cohort?

  17. YAY!!!!

    FINALLY, a video by a christian who is a doctor as well, who can show biblically that the bible NEVER mentions contagion!

    I heard Celeste Solum (Bishop), an ex FEMA worker (christian and I think former doctor or medic or some kind?) try to correct christians by telling them that contagion is indeed in the bible and she gave the same verses you did, but hers was not explained appropriately and you just nailed it in your video.

    I myself looked up all the Greek and Hebrew meanings of the words related to illnesses such as in Psalms 91 and nothing came up that even HINTED at contagion, so your explanation nailed it!!
    A BIG *CHEERS* for that!

  18. 26 Then he said, “If listening you will listen to the voice of Yăhwēh your Almĭghty, and you will do the right¹ thing in his eyes, and you will have given ear to his commandments, and you will have kept all his ²prescriptions, then all the disease, which I have put on Egypt, I will not put upon you, because I am Yăhwēh your healer.”

    all the disease, which I have put on Egypt, I will not put upon you


    One may ask what were those diseases of the Exodus epoch .

    The Nile becomes a river of blood
    Frogs emerge from the Nile and infest Egypt
    Lice emerge from the ground and infest Egypt
    . . . flies harm Egyptians and their livestock
    Mass death of Egyptian livestock to pestilence
    Boils infect Egyptians and their livestock
    Thunderstorm of hail and fire
    Locust swarm
    Three days of total darkness
    Death of every Egyptian’s firstborn

    Hardly sounds like disease – but that which can cause sickness.
    mah-khah-leh’ – sickness / weakness


  19. Beautiful!! I’m in tears!
    Thank you for making this video!!!
    I knew this truth on day one of the plandemic but none of my family (birth or church) did. My growth has continued the past 5 years and now with this video this will help others grow!! 💜

  20. The Bailey’s are correct, the germ theory is not supported by the scriptures. Like the Bereans, I searched the scriptures, and clearly God didn’t create us to be contagious to others through the passing of microbes. The germ theory is a product of theory of evolution and no true Christian believes the theory of evolution. How you test science is if the science aligns with God’s word, it is good science, if it doesn’t it is pseudoscience. God Bless. Here is a link to a paper I wrote on the subject. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT14y9fEKOEZzlVls7uNbA0g1lRfOtMtqbxhpEe7kjVE8fMkMeACP1nugoV-c_ZkI5LVJlJyxGbthWC/pub

    Dr. Jordan Grant also spoke on the subject in this video.

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