3rd August 2024

Since the onset of the COVID-19 fraud in 2020, the ‘no virus‘ position has become known to more people than ever before. While the Perth Group, Dr Stefan Lanka and my Virus Mania co-authors Torsten Engelbrecht and Dr Claus Köhnlein have all been exposing virological pseudoscience for decades, their work reached a much wider population in the last five years. This resulted in a new generation of virology critics who have continued to develop the arguments and refute the virus model from every angle possible.

As expected, this has led to the increasing defence of virology by those promulgating the fraud. A little more unexpectedly, the majority of attacks against ‘no virus’ proponents have come from within the so-called freedom community. However, these groups and individuals can often be found to have a vested interest in not only the virus model but the wider concept of microbial “pathogens” as well.

SV40 or “simian virus 40” is an entity that has often stirred up excitement in both the medical establishment and the freedom community. There is also an A-list antivaxxer who has claimed that it presents a fatal inconsistency in the ‘no virus’ position. In this video we expose the truth about the origins of SV40 last century and why it is such an important concept for all of those who ignore ‘The Viral Delusion‘.


  1. Terrain Therapy, Dr Ulric Williams & Dr Samantha Bailey, 2022
  2. Dr William Makis videos: https://odysee.com/@thecrowhouse:2/One-Bullet-to-Win-Them-All-And-To-The-System-Bind-Them:0 & https://rumble.com/v3akrpu-dr.-william-makis-mrna-and-turbo-cancers.html
  3. SV40 Virus Linked to Multiple Cancers Found in mRNA Vaccines, Microbiologist Says”, The Defender, 22 Jun 2023
  4. Baileys & Cowan Respond to Kevin McKernan”, Dr Sam Bailey, 8 Dec 2022
  5. ‘Dissolving Illusions’: 225 Years of Lies and Cover-Ups Behind Vaccines”, (Drs Mercola + Humphries), The Defender, 27 Feb 2024
  6. LIVE With Dr. Suzanne Humphries + Medical Battery Trial”, CHD.TV, 4 Nov 2023
  7. Dissolving Illusions, Dr Suzanne Humphries & Roman Bystrianyk, 2013 
  8. Simian Virus 40 Infection of Humans”, Journal of Virology, May 2003
  9. The Vacuolating Virus, S.V.40”, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1960
  10. The Measles Myth”, Dr Sam Bailey, 9 Nov 2021
  11. Dismantling the Virus Theory”, Dr Stefan Lanka, Jun 2015
  12. Virology | Mary Hauser, PhD and Jennifer Smith, PhD”, PANDA, 18 Oct 2022
  13. A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), Dr Mark Bailey, 15 Sep 2022
  14. Virology’s Event Horizon, Dr Mark Bailey, 5 Apr 2024
  15. The Genome of Simian Virus 40”, Science, 5 May 1978
  16. Complete nucleotide sequence of SV40 DNA”, Nature, 11 May 1978
  17. Covid-19 Shots, Cancer and HIV”, Dr Sam Bailey, 14 Jul 2021
  18. SV40”, Wikipedia (accessed 28 Jul 2024)
  19. They’re trying to fool us again!”, Dawn Lester, 30 Jul 2024
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  1. Thanks again Sam, just as the bible says “you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free” you, Mark a d Tom Cowen led me to know the truth about virus’s and their non exsistance, and has set me free to live life without fear of ever catching a deadly pathogen. Thank you.

  2. This is a great short expose of the SV40 virus fraud and some of the many characters that profit monetarily from the scam!!!!

  3. Fantastic as always, Sam! Exposing the fraud and those who perpetuate it couldn’t be more important. And what a shame it is that these once respected Doctors, thought so highly of (Humpfries, Mercola, etc) continue to dig themselves ever deeper into the hissing snake pit of lies, when their eventually dethroning is so certain – and of course has already happened as far as everyone in the no-virus camp is concerned. I don’t know how can they live with themselves? Or are they really stupid enough to believe what they are saying?

  4. We love all your work, the Q&As are really informative too. We love how you ‘Grigg’ Mark on those sessions 😀

  5. Hi Sam,
    The virus promoters never sleep! This fraud keeps resurfacing using the same false reasoning. Thanks for addressing this specific issue, as, I am now more prepared in the event this discussion surfaces. I found it alarming and revealing to see and hear Dr. Humphries, I expected a higher level of professionalism and moral character especially since she is a collaborator of Roman Bystrianyk who is a stickler for accuracy and detail.

  6. Thank you Sam!
    One day we will see yours and similar videos in Mainstream Media once they have to face the truth. Until then i listen to the truth on your channel!

  7. Great video Sam. It’s so disappointing to see many alt-health leaders continue to directly or indirectly promote germ theory.

  8. Thanks for great video and info as always. Could you perhaps do a video on the basic way other organisms are and have been isolated – what “virologists” would have to do in order to isolate a “virus” without all the toxic soup ingredients that they use. how was bacteria etc. first identified and then isolated?
    I am asking as a supporter and believer in natural health and terrain, but often get asked such questions when the topic comes up in conversations.
    I think I have seen most of the publications from the no-virus side, but could have missed one – so please direct me to it if there is already such a video.

  9. The positive effect you are having Sam and Mark can only be a good thing. A Farewell to Virology is a masterpiece.
    Not sure if you saw my own personal X Twitter battle with McKernan and Buckhaults re: SV40. Upshot was their Youtube broadcasts ceased and research funding was halted when it was pointed out the SV40 promoter needed specific requirements to be fulfilled for it to have any effect apart from its alleged pesence.
    You will be pleased to know there are several Doctors I have given a copy of “Virus Mania” to (only because they have committed to take the time to read it), who have been “reborn” in terms of questioning germ theory and medical school mantra “prescribe, prescribe.”

    Enjoy your video’s
    You are a great team

  10. A wonderfully succinct debunk of SV40 Dr Sam! When I first looked into anti-vaxx materials in 1998, I was of course taken in by the Polio SV40 scandal, whom the various authors themselves also were, from a position of Viruses alleged existence. When I found out HIV was a total fraud, I then began to suspect SV40 (accused of spreading cancer globally, as being found in most cancers), I began to think SV40 most be some kind of carcinogenic toxin instead, which they sneakily were hiding as a claimed virus.

    However, you just easily proved that SV40 is no toxin either, but merely a by-product of messing about with Immortalised (cancerous) Cell Lines by virologists, whom then find SV40 in CPE cells, as it’s a breakdown product of diseased/cancerous tissues. Naturally this explains being able to find SV40 in almost all global cancers! Voila the SV40 myth is busted beautifully! Plus as all vaccines are derived from such SV40 containing cancerous cell lines as a by-product it will of course be in such vaccines.

    The Covid Jabs seeming Turbo Cancers, now get the SV40 bogeyman label, when it must be from some other mechanism, such as the claimed bypassing of Toll Receptors and claimed switching off of cancer suppression systems, claimed to be allowing rapid cancer progression, by the use of PseudoUridine, to fool the body into acceptance of the claimed mRNA instruction, for the claimed Covid Virus. Or can you think what IS causing the massive rise in aggressive Cancers?

    Cleverly they claim to have included HIV (genesquenced brew of crap, with no real virus in it) sequences in the claimed Clamps, to hold the claimed mRNA or “ViralVector” instructions, and within the claimed S2 Spike Proteins, claimed Furin cleavage site. Which the seem to know intimately, even though they cannot show you a single far larger whole covid particle. Anyway the claimed HIV inclusion, is of course a clever deception, to then allow the use of PCR FRAUD again of HIV PCR (even Prince Harry was pushing such and Luc Montagnier said “you’ll be surprised by the result if you took a covid shot!” before his untimely passing), as a simple PCR primer looking for the few claimed letters, claimed to be in the Covid Shots, guarantees a VOILA PCR +ve and a new claimed Pandemic of HIV! Which of course they tried to say was BACK after 40 years!! Just as Bill Gates had a ready for trial mRNA HIV Jab up his hideous cardigans sleeve! Sly bastards! Pardon my French.

    We are lucky that the Shingles and Monkey Pox scam also fizzled out before mass vaccination with stockpiled Smallpox shots, known to cause hideous Vaccinia Skin Reactions in immunocompromised people! This would have looked like a real plague of claimed histories. All because the Covid Shots themselves, triggered a Skin Blistering syndrome VAIBS, that they excused as Shingles/Pox to trigger yet more vaccine drives! I really do hate these people!

    Anyway, thanks for the brilliant SV40 debunk. It’s not the anti-vaxxers fault back then, to have highlighted that SV40 story, but you have just put it firmly to bed Dr Bailey. BRAVO!!

  11. Your work is outstanding. You are spreading the truth and the attitude of the pharmaceutical companies and the “doctors” in their pay simply beggars belief. It represents a mixture of ignorance, stupidity and mendacity and is totally indefensible.

  12. Another good topic to clarify and expose the deceptive narratives about. It is amazing how trained medical people can fall for such indoctrination, even the more critical thinking but still caught in the ‘fear boxes.’ Thanks Dr. Sam!

  13. Just shows you how deeply infiltrated all levels of society…. those so called anti-vaxxers speaking out are classic examples of controlled opposition posing as truthers. Interesting how many of the so called educated stand for nothing and fall for everything.

  14. I am reading disturbing reports that NZ is attempting to actually enforce ‘vaccination’ on everyone in your country – Have you any thoughts on this?

  15. I have studied vaccines for over 42 years, and the bottom Iine is that they are POISON.

    We wouId be far better off, physically, mentaIIy, and spirituaIIy if we couId just shut down those Godforsaken vivisection Iabs. Good does not come out of pure eviI.

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