2nd September 2024
These days it seems not a month goes by in which we fail to hear that humanity is under attack from another “pathogen“. This is usually presented as not-proven-to-exist “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2, Avian Flu or Monkeypox. However, once in a while the “germ” is said to be in the form of a known entity such as a bacterium.
Whooping cough has hit the headlines in recent weeks with the claim that new outbreaks are occurring. The fear dial is being turned up with warnings that it is highly contagious and the unvaccinated are at risk of being attacked by aerosolised Bordetella pertussis. In this video we go back to the early 1900s origin of this belief and expose the flawed scientific publications that have been used to prop up germ theory and this “infectious” disease.
The reality of the epidemiological data paints quite a picture and patently demonstrates inconsistencies with both the notion of contagion and the claimed benefits of vaccines. We wrote that, “all pandemics lead to vaccines” in our most recent book The Final Pandemic and is the whooping cough story yet another example of a deceptive marketing funnel? More importantly, we must go beyond germ tunnel vision and appreciate the real ways to achieve true health.
- Terrain Therapy, Drs Ulric Williams & Samantha Bailey, 2022
- Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 14th Edition, CDC, 2021
- “A for Antivaxxer”, Dr Sam Bailey, 25 Nov 2023
- “Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists”, Jordan Henderson, 1 Jul 2023
- “Gallery of Graphs”, Jordan Henderson
- “Charts” Roman Bystrianyk & Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions
- “The vaccine effort in historical perspective”, Greg Beattie, Vaccination Dilemma
- The Final Pandemic, Drs Mark & Samantha Bailey, 2024
- “Nonhuman Primate Model of Pertussis”, Infection and Immunity, 16 Mar 2012: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/iai.06310-11
- “Is Immunity Real?”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2 Jun 2024
- “The Truth About Contagion” Dr Sam Bailey, 23 Aug 2024
Thank you for this, and all of, your informative videos. I am well on my way to being completely on board with the no-virus movement, but still have questions. You mentioned here that the childhood diseases were cases of not taking good care of the children (my imperfect interpretation.) But every kid I knew growing up, or current friend my own age, had these infections as a child. Was there something different and unsanitary during the 1960s? I know unvx’d families now who have not had these diagnoses, but have successfully lived thru other “infections.” Was it the exploding introduction of processed foods (TV dinners…) of that era, or other modern conveniences, new pesticides, carpets, etc? And we are discovering that having these childhood infections help prevent cancer, heart disease, etc later in life. Are we not arguing the existence of these pathogens or infections, but their contagion?
“I was astonished and not a little perturbed to find that when you draw a graph of the death rate from whooping cough that starts in the mid nineteenth century, you can clearly see that at least 99 percent of the people who used to die of whooping cough in the nineteenth and early twentieth century had stopped dying before the vaccine against whooping cough was introduced, initially in the 1950s and universally in the 1960s.
“I also realized that the reason the Department of Health’s graphs made the vaccine appear so effective was because they didn’t start until the 1940s when most of the improvements in health had already occurred, and this was before even antibiotics were generally available. If you selected only deaths in under-15-year-olds, the drop was even more dramatic — by the time whooping cough vaccine was part of the universal immunization schedule in the early 1960s all the hard work had been done.” — Dr. Jayne Donegan
Once the microbe was “identified” as the specific agent leading to widespread respiratory ailments, the daily hazards of the turn-of-the-century industrial era—filthy street sewage, poor nutrition, heavy air pollution, and overall squalid living conditions—were no longer deemed causes for illness. Instead, they were sidelined by those who were in hot pursuit of the opportunity to invent a vaccine.
The story of the pertussis vaccine is largely the story of bacteriologist Pearl Kendrick and public health scientist Grace Eldering.
Though many pharmaceutical companies in the United States were offering pertussis and mixed-serum pertussis vaccines in the early 1900s, none proved to be effective.
In 1931, the American Medical Association’s Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry found no “evidence even for the presumptive value of stock or commercial vaccines” because “the pertussis vaccines seem to have absolutely no influence [as a preventive], and after the disease is thoroughly established even freshly prepared vaccines seem useless.”
In 1932, Kendrick and Eldering began the whooping cough research project in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They alleged that they had improved the methods used for growing the pertussis bacillus, which allowed them to design and direct the first large-scale controlled clinical trial for the pertussis vaccine. This was hailed at the time as one of the greatest field tests in microbe-hunting history. Keep in mind that in the 1930s, there were no accepted standards and few established models for conducting field studies.
The field trial ran from 1934 to 1937 was composed of 5,815 children. The vaccinated group was made up of “children of acceptable age and history who presented themselves at the city immunization clinics for pertussis vaccination.”
The control group was “selected at random from a list of non-immunized children maintained by the Grand Rapids City Health Department.”
Even though an approximately equal sample of children of the same age comprised both groups, the original field trial design was methodologically flawed. The “vaccinated” experimental group was self-selected, but the unvaccinated control subjects were randomly chosen. In addition to this procedural defect, 1,603 observations (28%) from the study’s early years were not included in the final analysis.
Along with these operational deficiencies was the largely overlooked fact that the study was conducted during the height of the Great Depression (an era of extreme deprivation in which daily life consisted of grinding poverty, food scarcity, substandard housing, and extraordinary social stressors). As Grace Elder noted, “[W]e learned about pertussis and the Depression at the same time.”
In the summer of 1936, America’s then-premier epidemiologist, Wade Hampton Frost, a professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University, was tasked with reviewing the Kendrick-Elder study. He identified four major problems with the study.
Due to the long, slow build-up of the trial, he noted, the study population overall was quite heterogeneous, which meant that:
– In the early years of the trial, follow-up of control children was either inadequate or the records were incomplete;
– Recruitment to the trial varied over the life of the study, as did the frequency of nursing visits to look for whooping cough;
– The possibility of unknown differences between experimental and control groups existed because of differences in the way they had been recruited.
– There was a question as to whether the rates of other communicable diseases were also lower in the experimental group, as might be expected, if the vaccinated children were from a higher socioeconomic group than were children in the control groups.
Nevertheless, the field trials were deemed a success, and Michigan began distributing the pertussis vaccines in 1940.
It’s called racketeering.
From the mayoclinic website:
[Guilt tripping parents and relatives into being quackcinated:] “Deaths associated with whooping cough are rare but most commonly occur in infants. That’s why it’s so important for *PREGNANT WOMEN* [!!!!] — and other people who will have close contact with an infant — to be vaccinated against whooping cough.” (Maybe giving all sorts of quackcines – against anything from flu to hepatitis – to pregnant women is standard procedure these days in the current allopathic system??) And this is quite interesting: “Sometimes, a persistent hacking cough *IS THE ONLY SIGN* [!!] that an adolescent or adult has whooping cough. Infants may not cough at all. Instead, they may struggle to breathe, or they may even temporarily stop breathing.” Well, if that is so, then I confess to having had many bouts indeed of “whooping cough” in my adult life (whatever happened to my immunity?)… Only, in my particular case, it is called “asthma” and no fearsome bug is attributed in the pathological process. (My last “bout” was in early 2019, which I have been able to remedy ever since through taking a powerful combo consisting of turmeric/ginger/lemon/honey tea + other optionals such as cloves, etc, as soon as cold/flu symptoms develop).
Thanks for another good vid, which included summary references – all good documentation and ‘real’ science! I just keep sharing with anyone open to this information.
As for children never having to be sick, as stated by Ulrich Williams, that is somewhat of an over statement I would say. Rudolf Steiner stated that some childhood diseases are the result of karma (which there is some dispute about), but I think that certainly is a factor. There is the mind-body / emotional aspect to childhood development that can be a direct cause of homotoxicities, given that stress hormones can clearly cause disease conditions. There is also the complex mind-body connections via the endocrine glands (related to chakras) that are the primary controllers of the body. Understanding of all of this will be the holistic medicine of the future, along with the Terrain Theory component.